Friday, June 22, 2012


What works in the classroom today?

-In my experiences, the most effective lessons allow active participation from the students. Group discussions, hands-on activities, journals, and other activities where students "learn by doing" work best in today's classrooms.

What needs changing?

If you ask any adult if they would enjoy sitting in a room for 6 hours while one person talks to you the whole time, I'm sure they would say now. So why do we keep continue to do that to children and adolescents? While lecturing is needed at times, it should not be used for the majority of the lesson. Instead, we should try incorporating movies, videos, Internet, and others resources that are engaging for the students. Also, ask questions that allow them to make personal connections to the material and discuss their feelings with peers.

Can we see students differently? Can we achieve mutual respect?

I think for this to happen, the students must first see the teacher differently. Students tend to develop negative feelings toward teachers and classrooms right away. On the first day of school. the teacher needs to make it clear that while she has her rules and personal teaching style, she would be open to hearing student's opinions and appropriate suggestions for improvement. Giving students a voice in that sense may help to establish mutual respect between teacher and student.

What is partnering?

Partnering allows both students and teachers to take an active role in the learning process. Both parties focus on the part they can do best.

What are the teacher's roles?

In partnering, the teacher gives students a variety of questions to answer (open-ended, higher level). She provides guidance and suggestions on how to come to a valid answer. This may include suggestions of resources and tools to help with research. The teacher also puts the material in context so that students can make connections.

What are the student's roles?

The students will research and explore possible answers to the questions and come up with hypotheses based on their research. Once they find their answers they will create presentations using a variety of technology and resources.

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