Friday, June 22, 2012

Using Technology in Partnering

The Prensky Apostasy states that the students should be the only ones using technology in the classroom. The students should set up any blogs, wikis, and/or multimedia presentations themselves without assistance from the teacher. The teacher should not use technology herself, except to briefly model a task or communicate with students. I agree that today's students have grown up with certain technology and may be more knowledgeable about it then the teacher. I also agree that students learn by doing; that they should be completing much of the work on their own, with assistance from the teacher when needed. However, I don't think that a teacher should refrain from using technology herself. A partnering teacher shares the classroom with the students. So she should be able to use the Smart Board and make her own videos or presentations whenever she sees fit. In some cases, a teacher may have a better understanding of certain technology and vice versa. Students and teachers should be able to learn from each other, especially in a partnering classroom.
The article on cell phones was great! I had never really thought about all the other distractions that students and teachers deal with every day, even though I have experienced most of them (the lawnmowers are the WORST, especially in an elementary classroom!). I agree that smartphones should be utilized more in the classroom. There are so many applications that can be beneficial to both students and teachers.

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